About Dr. Maik Dulle

This is what I do.

Maik Dulle has been a member of Prof. Dr. Maik Eisenbeiß's Digital Marketing working group since May 2019 as a research associate and doctoral candidate. He finished his PhD in 2023 with the highest possible grade. Previously, he studied business psychology (B.Sc.) at the Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln, psychology (M.Sc.) at the University of Osnabrück and spent a semester abroad in Warsaw at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities SWPS. He gained practical experience as an intern at an insurance company, as a junior consultant in a consulting project and as a research assistant in a third-party funded project at the University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück. Recently, he works as a freelancer in the area of SEA and conducts workshops for firms and educational institution.


Schade, M. Kanitz, C., Dulle, M., Wiezorrek, J., Buttgereit, S. & Zehetner, A. (2023). Do not underestimate email customization to boost consumer engagement-the impact of the customization elements timing and content. Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), 52nd, Odense, Denmark.

Wiezorrek, J., Dulle, M., & Eisenbeiß, M. (2023). Der Preis der Cookie-Trickserei. Havard Business manager (HBm), 45(3), 8-9.

Dulle, M., Wiezorrek, J., Schade, M., Kanitz, C. & Buttgereit, S. (2022). Customize your Newsletter!-Email marketing in the light of content and timing customization. Proceedings of the International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), 20th, Prague, Czech Republic.

Klein, K., Eisenbeiss, M., Dulle, M., Taherparvar, N., Wiemann, M., & Wiezorrek, J. (2022). Marketing in a Digital World. In: Hornuf, L. (eds) Diginomics Research Perspectives. Advanced Studies in Diginomics and Digitalization. Springer, Cham.

Kanitz, C., Schade, M., Dulle, M., Wiezorrek, J. & Buttgereit, S. (2022). The impact of email customization. Virtual poster presentation at the 2022 AMA Winter Academic Conference, Las Vegas, USA.

Wiezorrek, J., & Dulle, M. (2021). I am willing to sell my data for… Drivers of consumers‘ privacy valuation in e-commerce. Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), 50th, Madrid, Spain.

Kumbruck, C., Dulle, M., & Vogt, M. (2020). Flüchtlingsaufnahme kontrovers. Einblicke in die Denkwelten und Tätigkeiten von Engagierten. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag.